Saturday 31 July 2010

This is a digital sketch I made of Mizar and Alcor.
I took note of the colour magnitude of the apparently near by stars this time and I think the result is better.

Friday 30 July 2010

This is a recent sketch I made of M82 which I have made digital using Gimp 2.
I'm afraid I didn't record anything in writing that night so I can't tell you much about the conditions. I hope to impove at scetching as I'm quite new to converting them into digital images and I will remember to make more notes next time.

New web site.

I have just finnished creating my new blog site The Goldylocks Zone .
This acts as a portal to all my astronomy related blogs and feeds online.
On my Blogger page I will post my observations and scetches and even some photographs if I ever get around to buying a DSLR.
For my observations I use a 130mm Newtonian reflecter and equatorial mount or sometimes a 10x50 binocular depending on what I may be observing at the time.
Please subscribe to my feeds and enjoy my blog.